Saturday, August 31, 2013


Welcome to Tarot with Miss Myo!

Tarot is something that I have loved for a long time and I started to seriously study it this year. However, life being what it is, circumstances continue to get in the way of my learning. I decided to start this blog because I believe it will not only help my own personal journey of learning the Tarot, but that others might find it useful as well!

My learning tool has been the book "Easy Tarot Handbook" by Josephine Ellershaw. It's definitely the best Tarot instruction book that I have found. Ms. Ellershaw breaks the lessons down in easy to follow yet extremely informative steps and I will be using many of her suggestions here!

The "Easy Tarot Handbook" comes with a beautiful set of cards, The Gilded Tarot designed by Ciro Marchetti. Here is an example of one of those cards:

As is the case with many card readers (or card readers in training!) I actually own several decks. Besides The Gilded Tarot, I also have The Mythic Tarot, a set of HP Lovecraft inspired cards, and The Rider Waite Deck.

If I was to do a face-to-face reading with someone, I would ask them to pick whatever deck spoke to them. However, my personal favorite (and the deck I use the most) is the Rider Waite Deck. Not only is it the "traditional" deck, it's also the deck used in my all-time favorite television program, Carnivale. My Rider Waite Deck was a Mother's Day present from my husband and sons, so that makes it all the more special!

Same card as above - The Rider Waite version.

There is really no right or wrong deck to use - you can even make your own! The meaning of the cards doesn't change from deck to deck, though the energy does. That's why it's important to use the deck that speaks to you!

As such, I rarely use my HP Lovecraft deck.  Even though, as I said, the meaning of the cards doesn't change, being that it's a Lovecraft deck the images are pretty dark and disturbing. Also, each suit tells a story, which is pretty unique for a Tarot deck. While I love Lovecraft and I love the artwork on this deck, the energy is a little too dark for my tastes. It's cool to look at, but doesn't feel right for me to use.

The most important thing is to treat Tarot cards with respect. While reading Tarot can sometimes be fun, it's not a game. And the worst thing someone can do is use the cards to fleece someone out of money. That is always seriously wrong.

I hope that you will find this site informative and interesting and that you will enjoy the journey!

Miss Myo

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Taking Care of Your Cards and Other Stuff...

As I mentioned in my introduction post, it's important to treat Tarot cards with respect. That means not only not treating readings like games, but also taking care of your cards.

It's a good idea to keep your cards in a special place, a special shelf, box, or wrapped in a nice cloth. The cloth comes in handy for readings as well - many Tarot experts suggest laying the cards out on a white or black cloth when you do a reading. 

Crystals come in handy with Tarot cards as well. They will keep the energy around them "clean" and "clear." You can store your cards with a clear quartz crystal and have the crystal nearby when you do a reading. Similarly, you may have an object that is special to you - a charm, a picture, some kind of souvenir - which can be used with or instead of the crystal. Remember that your energy is important. Even when you are reading for someone else, it is your energy that is going into the cards so anything that will give that energy a "boost" so to speak is definitely helpful!

There are different ways to cleanse your Tarot deck and I suggest you cleanse the cards at least once a month whether you have done readings or not. You should also cleanse the cards after each reading to clear out the energy of the person for whom you did the reading. There are several ways to do this. You can light incense and pass the deck through the smoke, you can go through the deck and touch each card, you can hold the deck in one hand and "knock" on it with the other. Again, any of these methods will work and you should choose the method that is right for you.

Some Tarot readers do not let other people touch their decks at all. Some let people touch their cards only to cut the deck during a reading. I lean more towards the latter. I also have no problem with my kids or husband touching my cards. I feel that their energy is a part of me, so if they touch the cards it's like me touching the cards. :)  

Josephine Ellershaw suggests that when you get a new Tarot deck you should sleep with it under your pillow. She says that you may find that you dream of the cards when you have them so close by and that you can gain insight through your dreams. To be honest, I have not tried this, mainly because our dog sleeps in bed with us and I don't want him getting his teeth on my cards (lol). I may give this a try at some point, however, and will report the results!

Lastly, I want to explain how the card posts will go. Each post will be devoted to one card in the deck. I will explain the meaning and then my own personal feelings about the card. This is something like the method explained in the "Easy Tarot Handbook." Remember that my personal feelings are just that - my feelings. Your mileage may vary!  :)

And now, on to the cards!  :)

Miss Myo

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands...


Wands stand for the element of Fire, creativity, action and self-expression.

All aces represent new beginnings.

The Ace of Wands means the seed of an idea that often has to do with business or your career. There is creative energy in this card, along with action, strength, enthusiasm and excitement! If this card shows up and you are thinking of, or have begun, a new project, you can rest assured that the project holds good promise for the future.

This card can also stand for a new way of life, in a good and exciting way.

If you see this card in a reading along with the Empress, it means a pregnancy or birth is coming.

If a new romantic relationship is indicted in a reading that includes this card, it will be a passionate one!

My Feelings:

I think the Ace of Wands is a great card to start with, since it is all about positive beginnings. Learning the Tarot cards is a project and to start with the Ace of Wands definitely inspires me to stick with this because it is an exciting thing to learn about.

I also love the idea of starting a new life. Even though this is just a study and not an actual reading, this card does inspire me in my own ongoing mission to change for the better in my personal life. It's a card I can definitely see myself meditating on as I work to become a better person and make positive changes in my life!

Miss Myo